Opening comments and news from James
This week (Jan 5th) marks the beginning of YEAR 10 of Feet to the Fire.
BETA Testing of Feet to the Fire LIVE Video
Tonight's show we will try LIVE Video via the Ustream Servers. There is a link with in the LISTEN LIVE page for the video option. Or you can CLICK HERE. You need a decent broadband connection. If all goes well, I will be able to show the guest live (if they have video hookups) and various graphics and video for the show topics.
Mobile Device Page to Listen LIVE or to Archived Podcast
I have also added a Mobile Phone, iPad/Tablet friendly page. You can click on the QR Scanner Code (near top left corner) or use your QR APP to scan the code itself from your mobile device. You will need an additional APP to listen live. Check your iPhone APP store/Android Market for Internet Radio APPs (Shoutcast for iPhones, or XiiLIve or AOR for Android). All are free or have free versions.
NOTE: once you "tune In" on your APP, you can save it to Favorites to expedite future use.
To listen to the PODCAST in full, or by theHOUR, simply click on the button and you will download it to your device. Your default audio player should play it fine.
I figured this system out (I did not pay a pro ;-) so any issues please email me to I can address it.
Due to an OVERWHELMING number of spammers,
I have shut off F2F forum registration. You can read all posts with a "guest" status. Only posting is disabled.
However, if you would like to become a News Editor or Author, please email me at the email below with your name desired and a temp password, I will manually register you. You can then edit your profile/password as you wish.

Sorry for the hassle, but, it is not my choice, really, but an action I must take for peace and my sanity. -James
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